Selasa, 01 Desember 2015

My experience for being student in smaga

Hello, guys ! Let me introduce myself. My name is Rizky Putri Amalia. Have you known me, right ? Hehe.. By the way, I have special story in my school. I am a sophomore in SMAGA. I have a story that  I want to share. Check it out ..
I am a very individual person when I bored. I hate to going school, I hate to speak with each other. Honestly, I am very hate when I know the day is started by Mathematics. I always came late to school when the mathematics was first. Should I came late, I punished by the teacher. I have to sing a song. So they are. Should anyone late, they have to sing.
One day, that was my first time I came late when the Mathematics started. I was so afraid. I was confused. I felt, I have to preferred. Come ..  or back. Finally, I preferred to turned into the class. Want or not, I have to accepted the punishment and I have to sang a song. That was not fun. Anyone in class was laughing when they saw me sang a song. Do you know? Maybe that was very strange moment because I was singing K-Pop. I sang that song because I knew there was no one could translated my song and I could ending my song soon. I could cheated them all. Hahaha.
I have a plan. I ended the song although the song was not end enough. But what’s the matter? No one could knew my song. The teacher was just seeing me said “what’s song you just sang? (kui lo lagu opo?)” and I said “this song is very special for you, Sir. The meaning of this song is : How kind you are. You teach me with your sincerity. We love you, Sir.” Nevertheless, i didn’t know what’s the meaning of the song actually :D
After the accident, I struggle to come earlier although I often come late till now. Don’t do like this, OK.. But for you who have a talent in music, this is very easier way to improve your talent.. hahaha.. Thank you very much for reading my story. See you...